Branding & Marketing

This Branding & Marketing course was developed specifically for creative people and small businesses.

The course provides practical strategies for creative people and small business to increase awareness of their brand, build critical mass in the marketplace and turn their achievements into branding content. A strong brand and effective marketing can translate into future commissions.

  • The basics of marketing and the main elements of a marketing plan.
  • The range of advertising and promotion strategies relevant to creative people and small business.
  • Developing a marketing plan with aims, time-frames, and budget.
  • Brand identity and the strategies to maintain and increase brand identity awareness, including building ‘soft currency’ and critical mass.
  • Conducting a brand identity audit.
  • Social media platforms and the opportunities for personal branding and marketing using these channels.
  • Developing a digital marketing strategy that uses Owned media as a means of exploiting Earned media opportunities to generate greater brand awareness.
  • Identifying opportunities to create Owned media.
  • Traditional forms of media (local and national newspapers, popular and trade journals, radio, etc) and the opportunities to increase brand awareness using Owned content.
  • Case studies relevant to creative people and small business, and strategies that have been successful including cross-promotion and joint promotions.

Given the speed with which the digital marketplace is evolving, the course is constantly being updated and based on evidence-based information drawn from leading sources.

I developed this 12-week course (3 hours per week) as a TEQSA-compliant higher education course and delivered it through a private college in Sydney, commencing July 2013.  The course is suitable for undergraduate students plus people in the creative industries (artists, designers, musicians, architects, etc) and small business owners.

Image credit: ‘Seven Magic Moutains’ installation by Swiss artist Ugo Rondinone. The installation, 10 miles south of Las Vegas, Nevada, opened on 11 May 2016 and will be on view for two years. You can check out the installation at this website.