A faculty member at Pratt Institute, Maitland Graves published two books during his tenure, The Art of Color and Design (1941) and Color Fundamentals (1952). Graves is also known for his Design Judgement Test, which was included in The Art…
I was honored to be asked to particpate in the ‘Colorful Landscape/Vibrant City’ seminar presented to coincide with International Color Day by the Environmental Color Design Research Group of the International Color Association, March 13, 2024. In my paper, ‘Linking…
I’ve been working in legendary music town Muscle Shoals since 2023 and I’m excited to announce that one of my side projects as been contributing articles to Rhythms Magazine. My column ‘Muscle Shoals Music Now’ has become a feature in…
A recent project highlighted an issue that can occur with ‘Heritage’ color scheme specification. This issue revolves around errors in identifying building style, which can lead to specifying inappropriate exterior façade colors. While this is not a common pitfall, it…
2024 is already shaping up to be a busy year! There are three sessions scheduled for ‘Color Design for Aged Care and Dementia Care’. This webinar for architects, designers, and colour specifiers, is hosted by the Aged Care Industry Association…
I’m chuffed that my six updated chapters have been included in the 2023 edition of the Encyclopedia of Color Science and Technology, edited by Renzo Shamey: Here is a link to the 2023 edition: https://link.springer.com/referencework/10.1007/978-3-030-89862-5
I am very chuffed to report that the journal Color Research and Application has published my article ‘Environmental color interventions on a macro scale: Tactical urbanism and issues of global concern‘. This is the 7th article that I’ve published in…
I was honored to be asked to contribute information to an article published recently by Architectural Digest online. My contribution focused on research findings relevant to interior design. Specifically, while hue is often thought to contribute to mood and ambience…
Excited that a project I worked on back in 2021 has finally been completed! The brief for the interior foyer of this large apartment building in Sydney’s Manly was to make the mitigate the cold, institutional impression of the foyer…
Well, that was a fun chat! It was great being on ABC ‘Nightlife’ with Suzanne Hill talking about color in the built environment. We stayed pretty much on track talking about evidence-based color strategies but veered off on some amusing…