Landscape Colour Award

I’m thrilled to announce that I won the Resene Landscape Colour Maestro Award 2017!

Held in Auckland at the ANZ Viaducts Centre on 30 August 2017, I was humbled that my project was among so many amazing projects in the annual Resene Colour Awards – including the Harewood Underpass by Mike Thomas of Jasmax Architects and Spitaki House by Lovell & O’Connell Architects.

This project also won a Community Award at the Masters Painters Association Awards, October 2017.

“Taking inspiration from the environment, this project embraces the colours of international maritime flags to connect the park to the harbour that laps gently at the shore. Like follies in a garden, the bright colours draw you in to picnic and enjoy the spaces. For those passing through they are an uplifting shot of colour to brighten the day.” Resene – Landscape Colour Maestro

As an evidence-based colour/design consultant, I initiated this project as I was keen to reactivate Kesterton Park in North Sydney and encourage greater engagement, especially among local children. The design was inspired by maritime signalling traditions. The vivid colour scheme linked with the colours of the children’s playground at the northern end of the park as well as yacht spinnakers and the colours of the natural surroundings – Jacaranda blossoms, blue water, green grass and yellow sunshine.

Resene Lumbersider paint was specified as this is a highly durable, environmentally-sustainable paint suitable for the Sydney Harbourside location. Resene colours included: Adrenalin (orange), Havoc (red), Smitten (pink), Happy (yellow), Left Field (green), Fuchsia (purple) and Point Break (blue).

Colour in the built environment can do way more than simply enhance aesthetics. Colour and contrast improve environmental visual literacy. In addition, colour can ‘humanise’ commerical and industrial environments, encourage engagement, activate areas that may seem neglected, abandoned or under-utilized.  Evidence-based colour strategies can also support and enhance orientation and wayfinding initatives.

To view all the Resene award-winning projects, go to Resene’s Total Colour Awards website

Award winners also featured on the ArchitectureNOW website

Project featured in the Resene Newsletter 2018-2 here






  1. Carmel Chandler
    January 4, 2018 / 5:22 pm

    Hello, Zena, Rory and Lucy
    Thank you for including me in your Christmas celebration at Cafe Sydney. I enjoyed the company and the repartee. The “Charade” game was lots of fun – very quick thinking – and I was just starting to put my brain into gear after a very slow start on my part!!!!! Thank you too for the chocolates. It was very thoughtful of you.
    No doubt, by now, you have settled into your new abode in Rushcutters Bay. Quite a change from Kirribilli.
    I wish you great opportunities and success in 2018, not forgetting good health and happiness.
    (I keep forgetting to ask Judy for your contact details, so I apologize for sending this via your website.)
    Warmest regards

    • January 9, 2018 / 10:06 am

      It was a pleasure – Happy New Year!