I was invited to contribute a book chapter to this book, published by Springer, July 2020.
In this book chapter, I discuss the ways in which colour design can support those living with dementia. Evidence-based colour strategies are provided in conjunction with effective colour design strategies that support environmental visual literacy.
HCI and Design in the Context of Dementia, edited by Rens Brankaert and Gail Kenning, focuses on HCI (Human-computer interaction) and design. I contributed Chapter 3.3: Colour design and dementia: Harnessing HCI and AI to improve environmental visual literacy.
As per Springer’s description: HCI and Design in the Context of Dementia brings together the work of international experts, designers and researchers working across disciplines. It provides methodologies, methods and frameworks, approaches to participatory engagement and case studies showing how technology can impact the lives of people living with dementia and those around them. It includes examples of how to conduct dementia research and design in-context in the field of HCI, ethically and effectively and how these issues transcend the design space of dementia to inform HCI design and technology development more broadly. The book is valuable for and aimed at designers, researchers, scholars and caregivers that work with vulnerable groups like people with dementia, and those directly impacted.
For more information, check out this Springer link